Monday, January 28, 2008

am Gail. Mum to George; a beautiful blond haired, blue eyed 12 1/2 year old. Although he looks a normal and rather handsome chap, George is diagnosed with ADHD (Attention deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) and Asperger syndrome (high functioning Autism). I first knew that he had problems when he was about a year old. He wouldn't sleep at nights, preferring to scream and holler for hours on end. As soon as he got to his feet, he became like a tiny tornado. As he had become accident prone and hyperactive, I voiced concerns to my health visitor (children's nurse ). Apart from the violent temper tantrums he had started having, he didn?t play 'properly' and would destroy anything he could get his hands on. By the time he was around 2 1/2 years old the physical strain of looking after him was exhausting for me. His attention span was almost non-existent and he would flit about from one thing to another. Things got worst when he got to school as his difficulties now became public, so to speak. He stuck out like a sore thumb in class. He was disruptive and often wandered round the classroom for no reason. His tutors found him difficult to supervise as his poor attention span meant he couldn?t stay on task long enough to complete work. Years went by and things got worse as we consulted a string of heath-care professionals who didn't help us. It was subtly suggested that we were at fault; that our parenting skills weren't up to scratch! George would butt in when other people were talking because he was so impulsive, and would throw the most almighty tantrums should something not go his way.


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